Prompt Instructions

When using the built-in commands like AI: Suggest Page Name, it can be useful to provide user-specific instructions or rules.

In the SETTINGS file, additional prompt instructions can be configured like this:

    pageRenameRules: ""
    pageRenameSystem: ""
    tagRules: ""
    indexSummaryPrompt: ""
    enhanceFrontMatterPrompt: ""

pageRenameSystem can be used to completely override the system prompt used when requesting note title suggestions. If not specified or left blank, the default prompt will be used.

pageRenameRules is appended to the system prompt and can be used to extend the default system prompt without completely overriding it.

indexSummaryPrompt is appended to the system prompt when generating a summary of a page that will be indexed.

enhanceFrontMatterPrompt is appended to the system prompt when generating new frontmatter for a note.

For example, the following example does a few things:

  • Quick notes will keep their timestamp prefix in the note title
  • If a note is tagged with #receipt, it will automatically be moved to a receipts folder. E.g. Receipts/2024/06-June/2024-06-30 - lawncare-co
  • If a note looks like a receipt, automatically add the #receipt tag
    pageRenameRules: |
      Retain ALL date and time information from the original note title.
      If there is a date or time at the beginning, ensure a hyphen seperates the timestamp from the actual note title.  For example, try to name quick notes like this: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS - A short title about the note"
      If tags include #receipt or otherwise looks like a receipt, move it to "Receipts/YYYY/MM-MMMM/" using the date from the note metadata.

    tagRules: |
      Tag notes that contain confirmations or receipts with #receipt.